Paradigm N: Optional Case Tags

With optional case tags, the arguments of a predicate can be put in non-standard order. The case tags listed below in the table are semantic case tags; another set of case tags are non-semantic and based on the standard order of the arguments of the unconverted predicate: zua = ‘the normally first argument’; zue = ‘the normally second argument’; zui = ‘the normally third argument’; zuo = ‘the normally fourth argument’; and zuu = ‘the normally fifth argument’.

beu B Bekti (object) ‘-/in’ Patients, Parts, Properties
cau C Canli (quantity) ‘by/for’ Quantities, Amounts, Values
dio D Dirco (direction) ‘to/for’ Recipients, Beneficiaries, Destinations
foa F Folma (full) ‘in/of’ Wholes, Sets, Collectivities
jui J Junti (young) ‘than’ Lessers in greater/lesser than relations
kao K Kakto (act) ‘-/by’ Actors, Agents, Doers
neu N Nerbi (necessary) ‘under’ Conditions, Fields, Circumstances
pou P Proju (produce) ‘-’ Products, Outputs, Purposes
goa G Groda (big) ‘than’ Greaters in greater/lesser than relations
sau S Satci (start) ‘from’ Sources, Origins, Reasons, Causes
veu V Vetci (event) ‘by/via’ Events, States, Deeds, Means, Routes, Effects