Paradigm J: Discursives

Discourse operators are CVV-form words usually derived from 5-letter predicates. Their function is to relate new elements in a discourse to the foregoing portions. They are self-contained modifiers like indicators and occur in all the contexts of modifier forms. At present time there are 28 such words but the list may be extended indefinitely; see Paradigm L. Also, any Quantifier may be prefixed to -fi, forming ordinals: nefi = ‘first’; tofi = ‘second’; rafi = ‘last’; etc.

bea For example/For instance (cf. piu) (bleka = look)
biu Hence it is possible that1 (blicu = possible)
buo However/In contrast/On the contrary (bufpo = opposite)
cea That is/In other words (cenja = change)
ceu Anyway/In any case (clesi = without)
cia Similarly/Like the foregoing (clika = like)
coi According to/In principle (tcori = authority)
coa In short/In sum/By way of summary (corta = short)
dau Hence it is probable that2 (dakli = probable)
dou Given/By hypothesis/As assumed (donsu = give)
fae And vice versa (reverses the order of terms) (fanve = reverse)
fao Finally/In conclusion (fando = end)
feu In fact/Actually/Indeed (fekto = fact)
gea Again/I repeat (genza = again)
kuo Usually/Customarily (kusmo = custom)
kuu Generally/Generalizing from the above (kumtu = common)
nao Changing topics/(New paragraph) (Eng. ‘Now’)
nie In detail/Looking closely (snire = near)
pae And so forth/etc. (prase = continue)
piu In particular/Applying the above (cf. bea) (plizo = use)
rea Clearly/Obviously (frena = in front)
saa Loosely/Roughly/Simply speaking (sapla = simple)
sii Apparently/Evidently (simci = seem)
sui Also/Moreover/Besides/Furthermore/Too/In addition (sumji = sum)
taa In turn/In sequence (trana = turn)
toe Respectively (to = two)
voi Skipping details (valti = jump)
zou By the way/Incidentally (dzoru = walk)
1,2 biu and dau differ from the indicators ii and io in that the former relate the possibility or probability of some claim to a foregoing statement (or statements), not the attitude of the speaker.