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('TLn' refers to The Loglanist, Vol. n.)

Aho, A.V., S.C. Johnson and J.D. Ullman.
(1975) Deterministic parsing of ambiguous grammars. Comm. ACM 18:8, 441-52
Bar-Hillel Y.
(1963) Four Lectures on Algebraic Linguistics and Machine Translation. Applied Logic Branch, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, (mimeographed)
Bar-Hillel Y.,M. Perles and E. Shamir.
(1960) On Formal Properties of Simple Phrase Structure Grammars. Applied Logic Branch, Tech. Report No. 4, Hebrew University, Jerusalem
Barton, C.J.
(1978a) On Adding 'H'. TL2:203-5
(1978b) The Transcription of C, J, H, S & G Target Language Sounds into Loglan. TL2:216-223
(1978c) How to Form a New C-Prim. TL2:224-47
Bichakjian, B.H.
(1988) Evolution in Language. Karoma, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Bickerton, D.
(1981) Roots of Language. Karoma, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Brown, J.C.
(1987) Notebook 3: The Present State of the Loglan Language. The Loglan Institute, Gainesville, Florida
(1984a) Loglan Grammar in Evolutionary Perspective. TL7:2-7
(1984b) The Teaching Corpus. TL7:10-80
(1983a) The Great Morphological Revision, 1978-1983. TL6:2-17
(1983b) The New Morphology. TL6:18-46
(1983c) Morphology and Emotion in Evolutionary Perspective. TL6:68-80
(1982a) Notebook 1: The Machine Grammar and Corpus of Loglan. The Loglan Institute, Gainesville, Florida
(1982b) Notebook 2: A Proposed Revision in the Structure of Loglan Words. The Loglan Institute, Gainesville, Florida
(1980a) The Great Morphological Revision (GMR). TL4:5-20
(1980b) Report on GMR. TL4:109-17
(1980c) Sec. 4.6.6 Lio, in J. Parks-Clifford (1980b):50-52
(1979a) The Search for a Resolvable Affix System. TL3:23-45
(1979b) Long Primitives & Decipherable Complexes: A Footnote on the Resolvable Affixes Problem. TL3:196-9
(1979c) On TL2/1, February 1978: RR on Descriptors. TL3:222-5
(1979d) On TL2/1, February 1978: RD on Descriptors, Copulas and Subordinators. TL3:225-6
(1979e) Commentary on TL3 by JCB: RWJ on Chinese Resultatives. TL3:288
(1979f) On TL3/2, March 1979: Everybody on Quotation. TL3:303-4
(1979g) On TL3/2, March 1979: JSP on Quoting Non-Loglan TL3:305-6
(1979h) A Third Predicate Lineage: A Footnote to a Footnote. TL3:319-320
(1977a) On the Creatures of Lo. TL1:176-9
(1977b) On 'Pretty Little Girls School', Part 1, Dialogue 3. TL1:204-5
(1977c) A Companion for Short-Scope Ge. TL1:288-294
(1975) Loglan 1: A Logical Language. 3rd edition. The Loglan Institute, Gainesville, Florida
(1975a) Loglan 4 and 5: A Loglan-English/English-Loglan Dictionary. 2nd edition. The Loglan Institute, Gainesville, Florida
(1969) Loglan 1: A Logical Language, 2nd edition. University Microfilms (Cat. No. S-398), Ann Arbor, Michigan
(1969a) Loglan 2: Methods of Construction. University Microfilms (Cat. No. S-399), Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Reprinted in TL1&2:
Ch. 1:
Loglan Phonology. TL2:17-30.
Ch. 2:
The Resolvability of Loglan Words. TL1:353-63.
Ch. 3:
The Selection of Primitives. TL:305-11.
Ch. 4:
The Derivation of Primitives. TL1:364-76.
Ch. 5:
The Construction of Complex Predicates. TL1:296-304.
Ch. 6:
The Word-Order Problem. TL1:54-61.
Ch. 7:
The Formal Grammar TL1: 113-59.
Ch. 8:
A Note on Loglan Semantics. TL2:31-41
Ch. 9:
The Place-Structure of Predicates. TL1:101-9.
A Provisional System of Tense Operators. TL1:377-81.
A Provisional System of Location Operators. TL1:382-85.
Some Alternative Ways of Making Scientific Words. TL1:386-90
(1966) Loglan: A Logical Language. The Loglan Institute, Gainesville, Florida
(1960) Some Observations on the Loglan Predicate. International Language Review, 6:21, December
(1960a) Loglan. Scientific American, June
(1956) Loglan: An Experiment in Language Construction. Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Florida, Gainesville (mimeographed)
Brown, J.C., and L.F. Brown
(1969) Loglan 3: Learning Loglan. University Microfilms (Cat. No. S-400), Ann Arbor, Michigan
(1969a) Loglan 4: A Loglan-English Dictionary. University Microfilms (Cat. No. S-401), Ann Arbor, Michigan
(1969b) Loglan 5: An English-Loglan Dictionary. University Microfilms (Cat. No. S-402), Ann Arbor, Michigan
Brown, J.C., and W. Greenhood
(1988) Paternity, Jokes & Song: A Possible Evolutionary Scenario for the Evolution of Language and Mind, with commentary by G.W. Hewes, C.T. Hodge, L. Lieberman, Y. Masuda, F.G. Patterson et al., R.C. Pile and J. Wind. Proc. of the Poznan Conference on the Biology of Language. In press
(1985) Paternity Jokes & Song: A Possible Evolutionary Scenario for the Evolution of Language & Mind. Cultural Futures Research 8/2:7-53, Winter
Brown, J.R.
(1979) Some Food Words. TL3:123-125
(1977a) On Internal Connectives. TL1:273-8
(1977b) Comment on Binary Ge, #2. TL1:285-6
Carnap, R.
(1937) The Logical Syntax of Language. Kegan Paul, London
(1948) Introduction to Semantics. Harvard, Cambridge
Carter, J.F.
(1981) Loglan Names. TL5:20-7
Chapman, S.
(1978) Packed and Unpacked Predicate Spaces. TL2:148-151
Chomsky, N.
(1963) Formal Properties of Grammars. In R.D. Luce, R.R. Bush, E. Galanter (eds.) Handbook of Mathematical Psychology, Vol. II. Wiley, New York
(1961) On the Notion 'Rule of Grammar'. In Jakobson (1961)
(1957) Syntactic Structures. Mouton and Co., 's-Gravenhage
(1956) Three Models for the Description of Language. IRE Trans. on Inform. Theory, pp. 113-124 and Schutzenberger, M.
(1963) The Algebraic Theory of Context-Free Languages. In P. Braffort and D. Hirschberg (eds.), Computer Programming and Formal Systems, North-Holland, Amsterdam
Darwin, R.
(1979) A Rebuttal on Phonemes. TL3:241
(1978a) Descriptors and Subordinators. TL2:164-6
(1978b) On Consonant Clusters. TL2:206
Eaton, H. S.
(1940) Semantic Frequency List. Univ. of Chicago, Chicago
Empson, W.
(1930) Seven Types of Ambiguity. Chatto and Windus, London
Feigl, H., and W. Sellars (eds.)
(1949) Readings In Philosophical Analysis. Appleton-Century-Crofts, New York
Fillmore, C.
(1968) The Case for Case. In E. Bach and R.T. Harms (eds.), Universals In Linguistic Theory, p.1-88. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York
Fodor, J.A., and J.J. Katz (eds.)
(1964) The Structure of Language. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.
Forster, P.G.
(1982) The Esperanto Movement. Mouton, London
Frege, G.
(1892) On Sense and Nominatum. Reprinted in Feigl and Sellars (1949)
Goodman, N.
(1951) The Structure of Appearance. Harvard, Cambridge
Greenberg, J.H. (ed.)
(1966) Universals of Language, 2nd edition M.I.T., Cambridge
(1966a) Some Universals of Grammar with Particular Reference to the Order of Meaningful Elements. In Greenberg (1966)
Greenberg, J.H., Osgood, C.E. and Jenkins, J.J.
(1966) Memorandum Concerning Language Universals. In Greenberg (1966)
Greibach, S.
(1963) Inverses of Phrase Structure Generators. In Mathematical Linguistics and Automatic Translation. Report NSF-11, The Computation Laboratory of Harvard University, Cambridge
Halle, M.
(1964) On the Bases of Phonology. In Fodor and Katz (1964)
Harris, Z.S.
(1952) Discourse Analysis. Language, 28, 1-30; reprinted in Fodor and Katz (1964)
(1951) Structural Linguistics. University of Chicago, Chicago
Hickerson, D.
(1977) On 'Pretty Little Girls School', Part 1, Dialogue 3. TL1:204
Hockett, C.F.
(1961) Grammar for the Hearer. In Jacobson (1961)
(1954) Chinese Versus English: An Exploration of the Whorfian Theses. In H. Hoijer (ed.), Language in Culture. University of Chicago, Chicago.
Jacob, H. (ed.)
(1946) On the Choice of a Common Language. Pitman, London
Jacobson, R. (ed.)
(1961) Structure of Language and its Mathematical Aspects. Proc. 12th Sympos. in Appl. Math, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, R. I
Jespersen, 0.
(1937) Analytic Syntax. Levin and Hunksgaard, Copenhagen
Johnson, R.W.
(1979) A Grammatical Form Based on the Chinese Resultative Verb. TL3:86-9
(1978) Revised Loglan Phoneme Set. TL2:207-9
Johnson, S.C.
(1975) YACC--Yet Another Compiler Compiler. CSTR 32. Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ.
Kuno, S.
(1963) The Multiple-Path Syntactic Analyzer for English Mathematical Linguistics and Automatic Translation, Report NSF-9. The Computation Laboratory of Harvard University, Cambridge and A.G. Oettinger.
(1963) The Multiple-Path Syntactic Analyzer. Mathematical Linguistics and Automatic Translation, Report NSF-8. The Computation Laboratory of Harvard University, Cambridge
Layson, S.W.
(1979) Measurement Statements in Loglan. TL3:70-80
LeChevalier, R.J.
(1985) Hyphens. Lognet No.51.5
Leech, G.
(1981) Semantics: The Study of Meaning, 2nd Edition. Penguin, Harmondsworth
Lovatt, A.S.
(1977) Consonant Combinations. TL1:183-4
May, R.
(1981) RMR: Radical Morphological Revolution or Rex May's Response. TL5:125-31
McCawley, J.D.
(1979) Adverbs, Vowels, and Other Objects of Wonder. University of Chicago, Chicago
McCreight, K., and J.C. Brown.
(1978) The Timeless Tense: Challenge and Response. TL2:53-4
McCreight, K., J.C. Brown and J. Parks-Clifford.
(1979) More on "Timeless Tense" & Potency. TL3:264-72
McIvor, R.A.
(1983) Comments on the GMR Notebook. TL6:59-63
(1981a) Results of Taste Test 1. TL5:111-5
(1981b) Results of Taste Test 2. TL5:116-20
(1981c) Results of Taste Test 3. TL5:121-4
(1980) A Proposal for Tones for Loglan. TL4:229-30
Meijer, R.W.
(1977a) Some Comments on Predicate Expressions TL1:208-13
(1977b) Some Comments on Internally Connected Predicates TL1:213-4
(1977c) Some Comments on '(P(LG))S'. TL1:287
Mengarini, W.
(1977a) On 'Pretty Little Girls School', Part 1, Dialogue 2. TL1:203-4
(1977b) Comment on Binary Ge, #1. TL1:284-5
(1977c) Status Report on Quotational Paradoxes. TL1:321-6
(1976) Two Specialized Descriptors for Loglan. TL1:34-5
Morris, C.W.
(1964) Signification and Significance. M.I.T., Cambridge
(1946) Signs, Language and Behavior. Prentice-Hall, New York
(1938) Foundations of a Theory of Signs. Encyclopedia of Unified Science, Vol.1, pp.77-137, University of Chicago, Chicago
Oettinger, A.G.
(1961) Automatic Syntactic Analysis and the Pushdown Store. In Jacobson (1961)
Ogden, C.K.
(1933) The Basic Words. Kegan Paul, London
Ogden, C.K., and I.A. Richards.
(1938) The Meaning of Meaning. Kegan Paul, London
Osgood, C.E.
(1966) Language Universals and Psycholinguisties. In Greenberg (1966)
(1960) The Cross-Cultural Generality of Visual-Verbal Synesthetic Tendencies. Behavioral Science 5, pp.146-169
Parks-Clifford, J.
(1980a) Imported Names and Legitimate Finals: An Inquiry. TL4:127-30
(1980b) Supplement to Loglan 1: 1975-1980. TL4/3, a special issue
(1979) on (CCV)<sup>n</sup> Complexes. TL3:273-76
(1978) Comments on Loglan Phonological Questions. TL2:211-5
(1977a) Mr. Lovett's Proposed Consonant Combinations TL1:185-7
(1977b) On 'Pretty Little Girls School', Part 1, Dialogue 1 TL1:193-8
(1977c) On 'Pretty Little Girls School', Part 1, Dialogue 2 TL1:203
(1977d) On 'Pretty Little Girls School', Part 1, Dialogue 4 TL1:207
(1977e) Interpretations of PLGS. TL1:278-80
(1977f) Binary Ge. TL1:280-3
(1977g) The Case of the Missing Right Binder: A Summary of PLGS. TL1:294-5
(1977h) Predicate Packing. TL1:391-6
(1977i) The Inclusion of H. TL1:327-8
Parlette, R.R.W.
(1978) Two Proposals for Unpacking. TL2:49
Polya, G.
(1954) Mathematics and Plausible Reasoning, 2 Vols Princeton
Prothero, J.
(1981) Simplicity in GMR. TL5:109-10
(1979) Ambiguity in Li ... Lu. TL3:154-5
Quine, W.V.
(1961) Methods of Logic. 2nd Edition. Holt, New York
(1961a) From a Logical Point of View. 2nd Edition. Harvard, Cambridge
(1960) Word and Object. Wiley, New York
(1958) Speaking of Objects. Proc. and Addresses of the Amer. Philos. Assoc., 1957-58, Antioch, Yellow Springs; reprinted in Fodor and Katz (1964)
Reichenbach, H.
(1948) Elements of Symbolic Logic. Macmillan, New York
Rosenberger, R.
(1981) On Loglan Names. TL5:18-9
(1978) Loglan Descriptors. TL2:159-63
Russell, B.
(1905) On Denoting. Mind 14. Reprinted in Feigl and Sellers (1949)
Ryle, G.
(1962) Dilemmas.Cambridge, England
(1961) Use, Usage and Meaning. Proc. of the Aristotelian Soc., Supp. Vol. XXXV
Sapir, E.
(1921) Language. Harcourt Brace, New York
Shamir, E.
(1961) On Sequential Languages. Applied Logic Branch, Tech. Report No.4, Hebrew University, Jerusalem
Thomas, R.
(1977) On 'Pretty Little Girls School', Part 1, Dialogue 1. TL1:193,198-202
Walsh, B.
(1983) Joint Lubrication. TL6:55
Weinreich, U.
(1966) On the Semantic Structure of Language. In Greenberg (1966)
White, M.G.
(1950) The Analytic and the Synthetic: An Untenable Dualism. In S. Hook (ed.) John Dewey: Philosopher of Science and Freedom. Dial Press, New York
Whorf. B.L.
(1956) Language, Thought and Reality. J.B. Carroll (ed.) M.I.T., Cambridge
Wise, C.M.
(1957) Applied Phoneties. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.
Wright, K.
(1977) On 'Pretty Little Girls School', Part 1, Dialogue 4. TL1:205-7
Wu Jingrong
(1983) (ed) The Pinyin Chinese-English Dictionary. The Commercial Press, Beijing, and Wiley, New York
Yngve, V.H.
(1961) A Model and a Hypothesis for Language Structure, Proc. of the Amer. Philos. Soc., 104;444- 466
Ziff, P.
(1960) Semantic Analysis. Cornell, Ithaca, N.Y.
Zipf, G. K.
(1935) The Psycho-Biology of Language. Houghton Mifflin, Boston
Zwicky, A.M.
(1969) Review of 'Loglan: A Logical Language' Language, vol. 45, No. 2; 444-457

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