RAM: From here on, any notes have been added by me, as Chapter 4 was the end of the fine-tooth combing by JCB. Changes I have suggested have not been included in the distributed text.

Ibuo la Mucrias ze la Marmos nujunu nurconcuidzo le cmavri, e forli nuo silmao vi le bufpo bidje, e dridypetri lo cutri miu.

This sentence does not parse as written. This is partly due to APL leaving out the commas after names (with JCBs blessing). While the 'resolver' LIP, yet incomplete, inserts these commas for parsing purposes, the current LIP does not. Frequently the parse is OK, but, in this case either a 'ga or a comma is needed after Marmos. Nujunu exchanges the second and fourth places, hence placing the route in second place.
Note that in complexes, nur applies only to the immediately following component, whereas
nu concuidzo would transform the entire predicate

nurconcuidzo (nu-condi)-cutri-dzoru) K wade to D from S via V.

I vuygrofi
A slang word invented by APL from vu and grofi? As vu is not one of the little words that can form an affix with 'r', it is linked instead with 'y'. This was invented by Steve Rice in L3 and accepted by the Keugru.

hue la Grom, takna mi. A reminder that hue expressions which have cutse by default, can accept another description as part of the exptression, as krakra in the previous sentence, and takna mi here.

La Mucrias ze la Marmos {/ga}tilbybiatue dzoru go prire miu.

This sentence does not parse without ga, (or a comma after Marmos) I recommend, as in Easy Loglan, that ga be used before all untensed predicates. This omission is one of the most common errors, which is very easily avoided by always using ga. In the above a simple name like La Djan would parse, but incorrectly, without ga

tilbybiatue = tilba-bitsa-tugle K has tail-between-legs.

In the next sentence we have paphavera from Papaver for poppy, and sentaurea (holy weapon differ, to be facetious) an illegal borrowing because it resembles a complex, apparently intended to mean cornflower. (I suggest senthaurea.

I, vi le notbi {spali/bidje}je le fildi, jio le ranjytrigru ga satci va gui, mi vizka to mrenu ji dzoru vuva miu.

substituted for spali, for reasons given in an earlier note.
anhasiydzo (anhasi;dzoru) K waddles to D from S via V

I ne le to mrenu ga vrelaa, {ce/e}nu tcinyherfa go langa ce blabi

When ce is used, the go langa ce blabi applies to the combined predicate vrelaa ce nu tcinyherfa.
By changing this to e (and inserting a comma according to the rule for two vowels coming together in different words), the long and white appplies only to the beard.

I le so troku jio tu pa setfa tei, le stimoa gui, fa kambei so fulri mermeu.

This does not parse for an interesting reason. Ordinarily a superfluous comma is removed,
permitting the parse. However, the comma after tei is legitimate, and closes the le so troku phrase, after an virtual gui closure has been inserted by the parser. The actual gui then is unexpected and causes the parse to fail. If the comma after tei is removed, the parse succeeds as desired. However, a comma after stimoa, if present, closes just the argument le stimoa, and the gui closes the argmod, followed by a virtual gu to close the modified argument le so troku.

For Men Snorrydin, read Mren Snorrydin in the next sentence.

Iceu vi le hisnao socysio, no, oa lo farfu ga furvea lo mermeu lui lo detra

Ordinarily, a no followed by a comma negates the whole sentence, otherwise just the argument that follows, in this case it would be lo farfu, which would imply that someone else did the husband purchase. Evidently the insertion of oa interfered with the interpretation of the comma. However, LOD gives us nooa, so nooa, lo farfu ga furvea ... gives us what we want.
i.e. it is not necessary for fathers to buy husbands for their daughters.

I Sai {varhansiu/vayhansiu}ce krataa ro pernu jio Sai vizka pei{,/}le trida

is not a permitted affix for va, so vayhansiu must be used. Also this is another instance of
an unwanted closure of a jio clause by a comma, as has been described above, thus attaching le trida as a second argument to vayhansiu ce krataa, as what he was calling and waving to them about, instead of where they were seen.
vayhansiu (va;hanco;siltu) K wave at D for purpose N
nirnoikai (ni;notbi;katli) K is only/just a B